The first thing about a party is the invitation, there are a lot of ways to invite people over for a party . Its up to you what sort of impression you want to create. What is the right approach while sending out invites; personalised letters that are handwritten with a message or computerised labels and printed letterheads? What would be the more sensible approach to create the right impression for invitees? Is a pre-invite required at all? We rely on a casual sms or a telephone call or a common mail for invite , but just imagine if you get a mail and you get a handwritten invite by post, which one would u feel more "invited"
The approach would depend on what kind of event you are planning. Hand written notes are great for dinner parties and smaller events. Points to remember when writing them is to mention individual names of the invitees, time and place as well as a RSVP or someone they could get in touch with if required. Also invites need to go out a week in advance and if it is a more formal event then you could even mention a dress code. The written invitation can then be followed up with a phone call. However, do refrain from inviting people solely over a telephone call. In contrast invites for bigger functions like weddings would obviously have to be printed. Printed letterheads are fine as well. Labels can be computer printed but make sure the font used is big enough and clearly legible with names and addresses correctly spelt as well as a return address if un delivered. I do recommend a pre invite so that people can block off their dates in advance during a busy social season and it will also help your event/function to be well attended.
A telephonic or e-mail reply would be the simplest and most effective means of an RSVP though if you do want to get creative you could have little “Reply Cards” (with pre paid postage) printed that could be delivered with the invitations that the guests would mail back to you later with their response. Alternatively you could send them a little reminder like small box of chocolates or sweets to remind them of the upcoming event and maybe that could prompt an RSVP from their end.
Is there any importance of a Thank you note after attending a party or event?
It is mandatory to thank your host post the event whether with a thank you note, a phone call or even via a sms. Personally hand written notes are always the best option. While writing the thank you note remember to address it to your host and hostess. If there are multiple people hosting the event then each person merits an individual note. You can thank them for a great evening and also compliment them on the success of the event and sign off with your name at the end.
So get creative and start inviting!
Keep smiling
So get creative and start inviting!
Keep smiling
hey baby very nice